Unit Testing for Beginners

March 22nd 2006 Book Unit Testing

Ever since I attended a lecture on test driven development I've been trying to find a way to use its essential part – unit testing – in real development environment. I realized this isn't completely trivial after assigning a developer to write ad hoc unit tests for the class library of a recent project and failing at it completely because the tests turned out to make sure the method functionality wouldn't change instead of making sure the functionality is actually correct.

Since a new project is coming up and we really need more security when changing the code in its later phases I decided to dedicate some more time to exploring and deriving the concepts of using unit testing in a not really test driven project. Well, I happened to stumble upon Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit, a book which turned out to be a perfect answer to my questions. All that's left now is to make the developers read the book and grasp its concepts before starting their work on the project.

In a few months you'll probably be able to read here how it turned out. In the meantime I recommend the book to everyone who wants to start with unit testing but just doesn't know how to do it.

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