Posts about .NET

Preserve number precision in JSON

October 18th 2024 .NET Serialization

Recently, I was troubleshooting some unexpected behavior of a REST service my team is maintaining: in its JSON response, the same numeric field sometimes included insignificant zeros after the decimal separator and sometimes it didn't. Further research revealed that the differences originated from another JSON document which served as the data source and manifested the same behavior. But we were still wondering why the insignificant zeros in the fractional part were preserved across deserializing the value and serializing it again.

Parsing JSON with variable field types

October 11th 2024 .NET Serialization

JSON serialization allows a lot of flexibility, sometimes even too much, e.g., a field that can be serialized into two different JSON types, depending on its contents. It could be serialized as string. Or, it could be serialized as a number. To make deserialization work, I had to implement a custom JsonConverter.

NuGet packages and releases in GitHub Actions

September 27th 2024 NuGet .NET GitHub

As I wanted to make my side project more easily available to others by releasing it to GitHub and NuGet, I tried automating this step in GitHub Actions as well. It took me less time to get it working than expected.

Code analysis configuration for .NET

September 20th 2024 Static Analysis .NET

The .NET SDK is accompanied by a large collection of code analysis rules, both for the C# language and for the SDK API usage. I firmly believe that for any long-lived project, it's worth the effort to configure the rules to match your preferences.

Access a repository from a GitHub App

September 13th 2024 GitHub .NET

Authenticating with the GitHub API using a personal access token is perfectly fine if you're performing a one-time task for yourself. However, you're better off authenticating as a GitHub App if you're developing an automation for an organization and want it to do its job for a longer time.

Recursive model rendering in Swashbuckle

September 6th 2024 OpenAPI ASP.NET Core .NET

Just recently, I received a bug report for an ASP.NET Core Web API application I'm maintaining because of incorrectly rendered schema for a response in the Swagger UI. The culprit ended up being an old version of Swagger UI used by an old version of Swashbuckle.

Fixing typed HttpClient registration

August 23rd 2024 .NET

Typed clients are one of the recommended usage patterns for HttpClient in .NET. Although it's easy to set up, you can just as easily set it up incorrectly. I had to troubleshoot such cases more than once and the culprit has almost always been the same.

Enabling NuGet central package management

August 16th 2024 NuGet .NET

When you have many projects in your Visual Studio solution, it's not uncommon that the same NuGet packages are installed in multiple projects. In such a case, it's all too easy for the version of the same NuGet package in different projects to diverge. Once you notice this problem, you can quickly fix it with the Consolidate tab of the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. But it would be even better if you could prevent it from happening in the first place.

Git SHA in informational assembly version

August 9th 2024 .NET Git

I recently had a requirement for a Web API project I'm working on to be able to determine the exact commit used for a given build. Including a Git SHA in the build was the obvious choice. As I was looking for an easy way to do that, I learned that .NET 8 SDK already does it automatically: the AssemblyInformationalVersion has the SourceRevisionId property value appended which contains the Git SHA when building from a valid Git repository.

HttpClient BaseAddress path merging

August 2nd 2024 .NET

Just a few days ago I was troubleshooting some integration tests which turned out to be failing because of incorrectly set BaseAddress in the HttpClient class. This wasn't the first time a similar thing happened to me so I decided to write a blog post about it as a future reference for me, my team and anybody else who might find it useful.

Caching NuGet packages in GitHub Actions

Caching of NuGet packages can significantly speed up .NET builds in GitHub Actions, especially if your projects has many dependencies. The generic cache GitHub action used to be the only way to do that and I described how to configure it a while back in my article for DotNetCurry Magazine. However, recent versions of setup-dotnet GitHub action now have this functionality built in which makes the configuration even simpler.

.NET test and coverage reports in GitHub Actions

The template I'm using for creating a new GitHub Actions workflow for .NET projects doesn't create any test and coverage reports, so that's usually the first thing I add to it. I've documented my approach in the past across two articles I've written for the DotNetCurry Magazine. But since the relevant instructions are interleaved with other topics and some details have changed since those articles were published, I decided to write this blog post with up-to-date information and focus only on this part of the workflow.

Implement polling using Polly

June 14th 2024 Polly .NET

Although it's a good idea to avoid polling in your code if you can, there are still cases when it's necessary. While it's not too difficult to implement the polling loop manually, you can also use the Polly resilience library for that purpose.

Using WireMock in integration tests

May 31st 2024 Unit Testing Moq .NET

When testing code that depends on HTTP calls, it's most common to mock the unit of the code that does the HTTP calls. In integration tests, however, you don't want to modify the application code. So you need to mock the server responding to the HTTP calls. WireMock.Net is a convenient tool to do that directly from test code.

EF migrations connection source by priority

May 24th 2024 EF Core .NET

There are many different ways for EF Core tools to get the connection string for the database to update using migrations. They are all listed in the documentation, but the order of priority in which they are used is unfortunately not very clear.

Testing top-level statements

May 17th 2024 Unit Testing .NET

Old-school .NET console applications with a Program.Main method could easily be invoked from tests. You only needed to make the method and its containing class public. Then you could directly invoke it like any other method. That's not an option if you're using top-level statements because there's no Main method in your code to make publicly accessible.

High performance logging in .NET

May 10th 2024 Logging .NET

You're probably used to standard extension methods for logging. If you use them in recent versions of .NET, you might encounter a warning if you have the analysis level for .NET analyzers set to at least latest recommended.

Verifying logger calls with Moq

May 3rd 2024 Moq Unit Testing .NET

Verifying whether a call to ILogger has been made from a unit test is somewhat tricky because we're more often calling extension methods than instance methods, and those can't be directly verified. We need to verify the call to the underlying instance method.

Mock methods with out parameters

April 26th 2024 Moq Unit Testing .NET

Moq is my preferred mocking tool for .NET. Although it has rather good documentation, it doesn't include an example for what I needed, so it took me a while to actually get it working.

Performance comparison of Regex in .NET

April 12th 2024 C# .NET BenchmarkDotNet

If you've used regular expressions a lot in .NET, you most likely already know that by using the Compiled option you can improve the run time performance a lot at the cost of higher initialization time. What you might not know is that since .NET 7 you can use a source generator instead to avoid that initialization cost.

Support multiple DB providers in EF Core

April 5th 2024 EF Core .NET

In most projects, EF Core is only used with a single database provider. However, I'm currently working on a project, which requires us to transition from one database provider to another. And since we can't simply stop all other development until this process is complete, we need to support two different database providers in parallel, at least temporarily.

OpenAPI docs for models from another assembly

March 29th 2024 OpenAPI ASP.NET Core .NET

By default, the OpenAPI specification created by Swashbuckle for ASP.NET Core web API doesn't include the descriptions for endpoints and models from XML comments. There are step-by-step instructions how to add them in the documentation, but even then there will be no descriptions for models from other assemblies.

Choosing extension over instance method

March 22nd 2024 C# .NET

Extension methods are a great way to extend classes you don't own with what looks like an instance method. Therefore, you usually don't need to create extension methods for a class from the same assembly because you could simply add the same code to that class as an instance method. However, not everything you can do with an extension method can also be done with an instance method.

Customize DB connection string in code

March 15th 2024 MySQL EF Core .NET

In my recent dealings with MySQL, I learned that some connection string options affect the behavior to such an extent that the code will break unless they are set correctly. To prevent the application failing because somebody configured the connection string wrong, you can make sure in code that the selected options are set correctly.

EF Core bulk sync for MySQL

March 8th 2024 MySQL EF Core .NET

Using Entity Framework Core for loading large amounts of data into database is not very efficient. The bulk operations from the EFCore.BulkExtensions NuGet package can help in such scenarios. Unfortunately, not all of them work (yet) for all database types.

Fine Code Coverage runs tests on its own

In the sample project for my previous blog post, I noticed that every time I ran my test, its code was executed twice. At first, I thought that I had a bug in my code, but quickly dismissed this option. After further investigation, I finally attributed the strange behavior to the Fine Code Coverage Visual Studio extension.

Guid values in MySQL with EF Core

February 23rd 2024 MySQL EF Core .NET

I've been recently involved in migrating a .NET project from Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL. While most of it went pretty smoothly, we did encounter some challenges with GUID/UUID values.

Fetch cached data only once

February 16th 2024 .NET

The MemoryCache class is a common choice for in-memory caching in ASP.NET Core and .NET applications in general. Although it can work well in many scenarios, it's good to know its potential downsides. By design, it allows the factory method to fetch the value multiple times in case of a cache miss.

IAsyncEnumerable performance benefits

February 9th 2024 C# .NET BenchmarkDotNet

Asynchronous streams (i.e., the IAsyncEnumerable interface) were one of the new features in C# 8. However, it didn't get as much attention as some others. Even today, the feature is rarely used and not well known among C# developers, although it can make the code faster and easier to understand in some cases.

Request ID middleware in ASP.NET Core

February 2nd 2024 Logging .NET Azure

In a previous post, I wrote about the built-in log correlation features for ASP.NET Core when logging to Application Insights. But what if you want to log elsewhere or want more control over the correlation ID? A custom middleware could be all you need.

File globbing in .NET

January 26th 2024 .NET

Glob patterns are a cross-platform standard approach for specifying sets of filenames. There is no built-in support for them in the base class library, but you can choose from multiple NuGet packages.

ASP.NET Core log correlation in Azure

January 19th 2024 Logging .NET Azure

If you're hosting your ASP.NET Core application in Azure, you're most likely collecting your logs in Application Insights. Make sure you configure the logging in your application correctly to take advantage of built-in support for per-request log correlation.

Benefits of structured logging

January 12th 2024 Logging .NET Azure

After you create a new .NET 8 project, you'll soon notice many new diagnostics being enabled by default. If you're using string interpolation in your logging calls, it will now result in code suggestions in your error list.

OAuth login in desktop apps

December 29th 2023 OAuth WPF .NET

To authenticate to an OAuth identity provider from a desktop app, the authorization code flow should be used. To implement it, you will have to host a web view control in your application.

Mocking HttpClient in unit tests

December 22nd 2023 Moq Unit Testing .NET

Mocking HttpClient in .NET isn't difficult. But if you haven't done it before, it's not obvious how to approach it, since the class has no interface or virtual methods. What you should mock, is the protected abstract SendAsync method of the HttpMessageHandler class, which can be passed to HttpClient as a constructor parameter.

Combining multiple untyped JSONs

December 8th 2023 .NET Serialization

Usually, before manipulating JSON inputs, you first deserialize them into strongly typed objects that match their structure. However, that might not always be possible. Recently, I had to combine multiple JSON inputs into a single JSON array, without any knowledge of the input JSON structure.

Keyed dependency injection services in .NET 8

November 3rd 2023 .NET Dependency Injection

The dependency injection framework that is built into the modern .NET works well enough to satisfy the needs of most projects. However, it's not as feature-rich as the most popular 3rd party libraries. One of the features that was missing before .NET 8 was the ability to register multiple implementations of the same interface and have the ability to specify which one should be injected.

Exclude setup from verifying in Moq

September 29th 2023 Moq Unit Testing .NET

Mocking frameworks can be used not only to mock methods, but also to verify whether those mocked methods have actually been called. The latter is sometimes called interaction testing and is particularly useful when you want to test that specific calls to an external API have been called. Of course, Moq also supports such setup verification.

Test DI service registration

September 22nd 2023 Dependency Injection Unit Testing .NET

In large projects, service registration code for dependency injection can grow rather large. Forgetting to register a newly added dependency will break your application at the point of instantiating a class (transitively) requiring it. It's even more likely that this will happen to you if you need to register a dependency in multiple places (e.g., for multiple projects) and don't have tests for every one of them.

BinaryFormatter serialization disabled in .NET 5

August 25th 2023 .NET

During the upgrade of an ASP.NET Core Web API application from .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 6 I stumbled across a breaking change that only manifested itself at run time despite a pretty good test coverage.

Codespaces config for .NET Angular project

After creating a working dev container configuration for an ASP.NET Core with Angular project, I wanted to also try it out with GitHub Codespaces. I had to do additional changes to the configuration to get it working.

Updating Azure Functions runtime

August 11th 2023 Azure .NET

I was recently involved in updating a bunch of .NET projects deployed to Azure from older versions to .NET 6. Among them, there was also an Azure Function app. To my surprise, unlike Azure Web App services, not everything could be reconfigured through Azure Portal.

Dev container config for .NET Angular project

For simple projects with a single technology stack, you're likely to find a dev container template preconfigured with everything you need. That's what happened to me when I created my first dev container. For larger projects with more than one technology stack, more configuration will be needed.

Manually deploying a .NET AWS Lambda function

July 21st 2023 .NET AWS

I couldn't find a complete guide for deploying an AWS Lambda function in .NET from a local machine. I'm publishing my notes on the subject for future reference and anyone else interested.

Priority of JSON converter attributes

July 14th 2023 .NET Serialization

After I learned about JsonStringEnumMemberConverter, I wanted to use it for an enum in a large project I was working with, but to my surprise it didn't seem to have any effect on the serialization.

Norwegian language code change

July 7th 2023 .NET

As I was recently updating an old .NET Core 3.1 project to .NET 6, I encountered an unexpected breaking change. I couldn't find any documentation about it, even after I already knew about it. Fortunately, I noticed it before deploying the application to production thanks to the test coverage.

Custom enum value name in System.Text.Json

June 23rd 2023 .NET Serialization

When serializing enums to JSON, it's usually better to serialize them as descriptive strings than incomprehensible magic numbers. Most of the time, it's good enough to simply use the names of enum members for this purpose. However, these must follow the rules for identifier names in C#, so they might be too restrictive if you need to use specific string values because of interoperability with other systems.

Minimum MSTest versions for VS 17.6

After I updated my copy of Visual Studio 2022 to the latest version 17.6, I couldn't run the tests from the Test Explorer anymore that worked just fine in version 17.5. I had similar experience in the past, so I immediately suspected that the problems were related to the versions of test-related NuGet packages in my project.

Deployment directory change in MSTest v3

June 9th 2023 .NET Unit Testing

When I updated MSTest from v2 to v3 in one of my projects, some tests started failing. It was because of a breaking change in MS Test V3 that caused the TestContext.DeploymentDirectory property to return a different path.

Troubleshooting a XAML error in WPF

September 23rd 2022 XAML WPF .NET

I recently helped troubleshoot a WPF application that was causing an unhandled exception. I thought the process of identifying and fixing the problem might be useful to others and decided to describe it in this post.

Type issues with data driven tests in MSTest

September 2nd 2022 .NET Unit Testing

Data-driven tests are great for repeating the same unit tests with many different inputs. However, a test from a project I worked on failed on multiple test cases because a double value was incorrectly handled as a decimal.

Vulnerabilities in NuGet packages

July 1st 2022 NuGet .NET

The recently disclosed vulnerability in Newtonsoft.Json prompted me to take a closer look at the tools available in the .NET ecosystem for identifying referenced packages with known vulnerabilities.

Testing protected methods

June 24th 2022 Unit Testing .NET

In most cases, you do not want to write tests for non-public methods, because that would make the tests dependent on the internal implementation of a class. But there are always exceptions.

Ignored failing assertions in mock callbacks

June 17th 2022 Moq Unit Testing .NET

When you write unit tests, make sure not only that they succeed if the tested code works as expected, but also that they fail if the code does not work as expected. Otherwise, these tests will give you a false sense of confidence in your code.

Code coverage in .NET 6

April 29th 2022 Unit Testing .NET

Since .NET 5, the coverlet.collector NuGet package is pre-installed in the test project templates, which can generate code coverage reports when the tests are executed. Let us take a look at how you can use this in your code editor.

Data driven tests by convention

April 22nd 2022 Unit Testing .NET

It pays in the long run to learn about the various capabilities of unit testing frameworks and use them to make unit testing code more maintainable. Let us go through the process of refactoring a set of copy-pasted tests into a single parameterized, i.e. data-driven test.

Using async void in xUnit tests

April 15th 2022 Unit Testing .NET

When I recently needed to update some existing unit tests, I noticed that many asynchronous tests were using async void in their signature. My first instinct was to fix them by using async Task instead, because that surely meant they were broken and would not detect failures correctly. But before I did that, I experimented a bit, and as far as I could tell, the tests worked as expected, correctly detecting failed assertions and unexpected exceptions. I decided to do some more research on the subject.

Build flags in Visual Studio

March 11th 2022 Visual Studio .NET

The project properties window has been redesigned in Visual Studio 2022. But not only the appearance has changed. For at least some options, the effect of the changes in the project properties window has also changed. Let us take a look at how the behavior of the Allow unsafe code build option has changed.

Generic host based console application

March 4th 2022 .NET Dependency Injection

The new console application template in .NET 6 is as minimal as possible thanks to top-level statements. That's great for simple applications, but what if you want to create a large console application with a sophisticated command-line interface?

Throwing null argument exceptions

December 24th 2021 C# .NET

NullReferenceException is probably one of the most common exceptions in .NET. It is thrown whenever you try to access a member of a reference type that is currently set to the value null. With the nullable reference types introduced in C# 8, the compiler can now warn you if you try to do this, so you can add a null check to prevent the exception from being thrown. Null checking code is simple, but very repetitive and potentially error-prone.

Programmatic web page login with cookies

November 12th 2021 .NET

.NET makes it really easy to scrape some data from a public website. You can use HttpClient to download the web page. The best library for parsing the HTML is probably AngleSharp, but that's not the topic of this post. Instead, I'll focus on what to do if the web page is not public and you need to log in first. Typically, you will then need to submit the login form programmatically and use the cookies from the response in future requests.

How can a POST request become a GET?

August 13th 2021 HTTP .NET

Recently I solved a problem with a POST request that failed with a 405 error (Method Not Allowed), even though there was only a POST endpoint at the requested URL. After solving the problem, I found it interesting enough to reproduce it and wrote a post about it.

What code are your unit tests testing?

April 30th 2021 Unit Testing .NET EF Core

Mocks can be a helpful tool for replacing external dependencies in unit tests. However, caution is required when you embark on that route or you could end up with tests that don't really test your code under test.

Configuring environments in .NET console app

March 5th 2021 .NET

ASP.NET Core applications are already set up with support for reading configuration files and switching between different environments. You get none of that when you create a new .NET console application. Fortunately, you can still take advantage of the same NuGet packages add similar support with minimum amount of setup code.

Polymorphism with New JSON Serialization

September 25th 2020 .NET Serialization

With the new System.Text.Json built into .NET Core, JSON serialization can now be performed without the Json.NET library. However, there are differences between the two libraries once you go beyond the basics. For example, support for serializing and deserializing polymorphic objects is limited in the new library.

Compiling and Executing Code in a C# App

August 2nd 2019 Roslyn .NET .NET Framework

Since the release of Roslyn, the complete C# compiler pipeline is available as a NuGet package and we can include it in our own application. I was wondering how difficult it would be to use it to compile some C# source code into an executable and run it.

Slides and Code from NT Conference 2019

Yesterday the NT Conference 2019 concluded in Portorož. This year I had three sessions there. On Tuesday, I talked about the new language features in C# 8. On Wednesday, I repeated my session about application architecture from this year's Global Azure Bootcamp. My final session on Thursday was about global tools in .NET Core.

My Book About C# and .NET Is Available

February 1st 2019 Book C# .NET Framework .NET

Since this week, The Absolutely Awesome Book on C# and .NET is finally available for order in its final form: in all eBook formats and with the accompanying source code.

No Support for Tuples in Expression Trees

December 7th 2018 C# .NET .NET Framework EF Core

Tuples, as added to C# 7, can be a nice alternative to anonymous types in LINQ when you only want to return a subset of values from the queried type. Before tuples, this was only possible by creating an anonymous type in the Select method. Now you can create a tuple instead. However, if you try to do that with EF Core, the code won't compile. How come?

Cyclomatic Complexity in .NET Core

Cyclomatic complexity is a simple code metric, commonly used to identify complex methods which are difficult to maintain and therefore good candidates for refactoring. It is one of the five code metrics built into Visual Studio 2017, but it isn't available for .NET Core and .NET Standard projects. Let's look at third party extensions which you can use instead.

My Sessions at NT Conference 2018

May 25th 2018 C# Unit Testing .NET Speaking

It's the week of NT Conference 2018. I had two sessions this year. On Tuesday, I talked about a selection of common C# gotchas which can surprise even an experienced C# developer. In my second session, I explained the benefits of continuous testing and showed how to configure it for a .NET Core project in Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code.

Resources from Global Azure Bootcamp 2018

It's April again and last Saturday it was time for the annual Global Azure Bootcamp event. The Slovenian one was taking place at the local Microsoft offices. In my session, I explained how to configure Visual Studio Code to improve the experience of .NET Core development as much as possible.

Slides and Code from My SLODUG Session

June 30th 2017 .NET .NET Standard Speaking

The last Slovenian Developers User Group meeting before the summer break consisted of the two most popular sessions from Microsoft NT Conference, as voted by the user group members.

Slides and Code from My NT Conference Session

May 19th 2017 .NET .NET Standard Speaking

At the beginning of this week the traditional NT Conference was taking place in Portorož. I had my only session this year on Monday, where I talked about .NET Core and .NET Standard.

Slides and Code from My Sessions at Cancel Conference

September 17th 2016 Async C# .NET Speaking

This week the second community organized Cancel conference was taking place in Ljubljana. It spanned over two days. Thursday was the main conference day with 20 sessions grouped in 4 tracks. On Wednesday afternoon preconf was organized at the premises of Microsoft Slovenia. I had my sessions on both days.