Resources From My Sessions at Cancel Conference

This week the first Cancel conference was taking place in Nova Gorica. I had the last two sessions in one of the development tracks, both of them about Visual Studio 2015. I was also invited as a guest at the architecture panel in the morning.

My first session was about Diagnostic analyzers in Visual Studio 2015. It was a repeat of my well received session at NT conference, only slightly updated for the final release of Visual Studio. The new slides and demo project are available for download.

To learn more about diagnostic analyzers check my other posts about the topic. You might also want to read my articles in Dot Net Curry magazine based on this session. Part 1 was published in the September 2015 issue, and part 2 is going to be published in the November 2015 issue.

In my second session I was talking about Debugging in Visual Studio 2015. In spite of the title much of the content was also applicable to earlier versions of Visual Studio. Although I spent most of my session in Visual Studio doing demos, I still prepared the slides with an overview of the presented content and made them available for download.

Thank you very much to everyone attending the conference and my sessions. I had a great time presenting and talking to the attendees between sessions.

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